Monday, December 8, 2014

Milo | 9 Months

Okay I just have to say that taking pictures of a 9 month old while he is on his back on the floor is probably one of the most difficult things I've ever done in my life. You should all be really impressed with what I managed to get.

SO. The Milo B is about 22 lbs now (give or take, i used the good ol' weigh yourself, weigh yourself with the baby trick and then did some very complicated math) and he's about 31 inches. He's in the 95% for height and 55(ish)% for weight and head circumference. He's wearing mostly size 12 month clothes now, although a few 9 months still fit him. He's in size 4 diapers. 

He's gotten so much better at pulling himself up on furniture and not falling over, and he loves walking while holding onto the furniture. He is a climber. Always trying to get up on the couch or the lovesac or up the attic stairs whenever the door is open. If I'm standing up he will almost always crawl over to me and pull himself up using my legs.

He's been really clingy this month. He doesn't cry if I'm not holding, but you can tell he has a strong preference for me and if I'm in the room he usually won't let anyone else hold him, or at least not without a good fight. I don't really mind. :)

He has 4 teeth now, although the top two are still working their way in. I was really surprised when his top canines came in and not his top middle teeth. But I don't think the middle teeth are far behind. The top teeth were definitely a lot more difficult for him coming in than the bottom ones. Thank goodness for baby ibuprofen.

Milo started clapping this month! It's the cutest thing in the whole world, but he will only do it on his terms. He also loves grabbing my hands and clapping them together. He gets this crazy smug smile on his face like he's doing the coolest thing in the world. 

His favorite foods are still bananas and applesauce. Lately I've just been giving him little bits of whatever I'm eating, which he really enjoys. He also LOVES cheerios and these banana flavored wagon wheel..puff...things. 

Milo's favorite toy is his cat keyboard. He's figured out how to work all the buttons and change the songs to the ones he likes. His favorite thing in the woooorld is when we let him play in the recording studio. We'll put a drum on the floor and let him bang on it or let him strum Andrew's guitar. Whenever I play piano in primary he crawls over and pulls himself up to bang on the keys. I also noticed in the past week or so that he has a real affinity for Vivaldi. We watch baby genius shows and listen to a lot of classical music and while he likes all the music (except for that one clarinet piece, can't blame him there though) he really really loves Vivaldi. It's the only time where he is absolutely still and just stares at the TV and won't be distracted by anything. 

He is so smart and independent. He'll play by himself for hours while I work on homework or cook dinner. He never cries unless he is tired or hungry. He sleeps 10-11 hours a night and takes 2-3 naps a day. Usually 2 long naps and then maybe I'll squeeze in a short 3rd one.

His frog pacifier is still his best friend. He loves bath time. He loves mirrors and taking selfies. He hates when I pin him down to change his clothes or change his diaper. And he hates getting out of the bath.

Andrew and I were talking yesterday about how we are in the twilight of his babyhood and it is fading fast. I feel like he's going to be walking in the next couple months and he'll be 1 so soon. He seems like a such a toddler these days and it makes me so happy and sad and excited all at once. I am so so so blessed to be his mama.

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