Thursday, November 20, 2014


i might have taken a bit of an unplanned break from this here blog. real life has kinda been getting in the way of coherent thoughts. bleh, even now i can't even figure out what to say our how to say it or what is pertinent or;galkd;galks;

ramble blog *celebration hands emoji*

so we got in a car accident. not like a terrible one, but we got rear-ended at a stoplight by a lady who was going about 35 mph and just not paying attention even a little. the back end of our car was totally messed up and all the framework had to be redone so that's been in the shop for the past 2 weeks and we've been in a rental.

around this time my depression came back with a vengeance. i've had depression for years but something about being pregnant and having a baby gave me some super great happy hormones for about a year that kept the depression at bay. but alas, it's back. the soonest i could get in with the doctor i want (switching doctors, and this new one has a killer waitlist, but i hear she's worth it) is the first week of december. so until then i'm just riding the waves as they come.

along with this depression has come a huge wave of apathy, which is always great when school is a thing. it's been incredibly hard to motivate myself to do anything, and then when i don't do anything i get crazy anxiety and shut down. it's a lovely cycle. but i'm working at it and just trying to take it one day at a time and do what i can. i dunno. it's frustrating, especially when the past year or so has been so so good. i was kinda hoping i was over that whole depression thing, ya know?

anyway, so onto the happier stuff:
we drove to california and back for fall break and filmed a sweet cover of HAIM with our friend hannah (guys if you don't love HAIM i just don't understand you)

ANDREW GOT A PROMOTION and we're really excited about it. it's gonna make for a lot less stress for this little family of ours.

milo is a crawler and a climber and a talker and just the cutest little guy on the planet really.

we're leaving for philadelphia on sunday to spend a week with my parents! we haven't seen them since milo's blessing way back in may so i'm just a little bit excited to eat yummy food and watch them indulge in the perfection that is milo benny.

THE END IS IN SIGHT. with school, i mean. not life cause that might be a bit depressing, guys. but andrew and i have both planned out our last few semesters! andrew will be done august 2015 and i'll be done in december. THAT'S LIKE. SOON. AH. it feels so good to finally see it coming to an end. most days i can't wait until i'm graduated and can get on with "real life" and whatever, but some days i remember that real life is stressful and jobs and houses and moving somewhere???? i know i'm going to miss this stage of our lives, living in this amazing house, close to relatives, and nothing to worry about but homework and a cute baby. but also the prospect of going anywhere and doing anything is just SO exciting and scary and yes a little stressful. THE FUTURE, MAN. THE FUTURE.

CHRISTMAS ALBUMMMMM. if you don't already know that andrew and i have a band called whisper sands, and that we put out a christmas ep every year for our family then WHAT ARE YOU DOING WITH YOUR LIFE??? anyway, our album this year is called "Hark!" and i'm really really excited about it. seven delicious christmas songs in all their indie folky pop rock (???) and yeah. you want it. we haven't officially set a release date, but basically right after thanksgiving. so BE ON THE LOOKOUT I'M SO EXCITED.

okay, that's enough of my rambly weirdness for now. HOPE THANKSGIVING IS LOVELY FOR YOU.

1 comment:

  1. hi. I love you. thank you for feeding my mommy blog addiction. xox
