I'm Catherine Streeter. I look something like this.
I'm a (young) wife and mom to two cute dudes. I play cello, piano, and ukulele and sometimes I like to sing. I've written in journals consistently since I was 13 and as such have a whole shelf filled with really embarrassing anecdotes about my teenage years. Recently however, thanks to a lovely bout of tendonitis, writing has been unnecessarily painful, so typing it is!
The most important things you should know about me are that I collect hippos, I'm obsessed with all food, I hate cooking and I'm not consistent at cleaning (aka worst housewife ever). I'm Mormon, despite the Jehovah's Witness's monthly visits to my front door. (I just can't say no to anyone) I've got about a year of school left and then peace out, Utah, I hope I never live here again. (I'm half joking. The mountains are nice.) I recently gave birth to a baby so that's basically all I write about. Sorry, not sorry. I'm not a photographer (like even a little) but I take an excessive amount of pictures, most of which you will see here. The things I say usually air on the side of ridiculous, rather than profound.
Yes, this is my natural hair color.
Yes, I'm aware my hair matches my eyes.
No, that is not a guitar I'm carrying. It's a cello. Say it with me now. Chell-oh.
So yes. Nice to meet you. Enjoy your stay.