to me, the fourth of july is all about gratitude. gratitude for the country we live in, the freedoms we enjoy, and the people who work(ed) hard to make it this way.
i am grateful for mountains, oceans, deserts, and wide open pastures.
i am grateful for cars, trains, planes, and boats that allow me to see all the world has to offer.
i am grateful for doctors, surgeons, firefighters, and police officers who keep us safe within our country.
i am grateful for soldiers who keep us safe outside our country.
i am grateful for politicians and government leaders who attempt to solve problems i could not even begin to understand.
i am grateful for our president (and past presidents) who truly loves this country and is doing what he thinks is best to help our nation.
i am grateful for my family, for teaching me about hard work and following your dreams- which is basically the essence of america.
i am grateful for my husband whose hard work allows us so many freedoms and whose determination keeps us afloat during difficult times.
i am grateful for my son who is part of the next generation that will continue to grow and build this country and define and defend it's freedoms.
lastly, i am grateful for america for being so gosh darn beautiful.
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