Well Milo Benny... here we are. Another month later. You continue to change so very much month to month. I am constantly surprised by you.
Milo is around 20 or 21 lbs now. Still guessing he's about 27 inches, but I could be wrong. He is a constant mover. Getting these pictures was so painfully difficult, you have no idea. He crawls on his hands and knees every where now. None of that army crawl stuff anymore. And he's so fast. He's also been really into climbing lately. Pulling himself up on everything, standing there for as long as he can possibly handle it before toppling over it and (usually) hitting his head on something. That's pretty much my whole life now. Nothing is safe anymore. Andrew and I have been talking about buying him a playpen, because we really don't have a ton of space in our house to put things, so it's been a challenge to baby proof. But Milo is just so fast and strong and determined to get what he wants. He learned how to crawl up on our lovesac and sometimes I'll find him just chillin' in there, chewing on the remote or my phone. Those are his two favorite toys as of late. Basically give him anything that's not an actual baby toy and he will love it. Especially if it can kill him.
Milo is mostly formula fed now. It makes me a little sad because I loved breastfeeding him. It's just something that has gotten really hard to continue since I've been at school full time. He's just so used to taking a bottle while I'm gone and now he has zero attention span or patience for breastfeeding. But I feel really good about the fact that I did basically exclusive breastfeeding for 6 months. I do hope that I'll be able to breastfeed my future kids longer though, since I won't be in school and therefore have no real excuse not to. I will say, it's nice to have a break from the food thing however. Just stick a bottle in his mouth and get a little 5 minute break from life... that is a very nice thing :)
Speaking of food, Milo continues to eat just about everything. He loves any and all fruits. Especially bananas, apples, peaches, pears, and mango. He's a bit picky with the veggies. Nothing green will get past his mouth. (Looking forward to that when he's 4...) He does however love carrots, sweet potatoes, corn and mixed veggies. We also started trying some meats this past month. He loves apples with chicken and sweet potatoes with chicken. His favorite snacks are banana puffs, yogurt bites, and whatever he can swipe from my plate. We went to Tucanos on Halloween for Andrew's birthday and he managed to snag a fistful of mashed potatoes. :)
Milo has two teeth now! The first one took aaaaages to pop through, but the second one came in literally overnight and I couldn't believe it. He's got the cutest little grin now.
He's still sleeping about 11 hours a night, although in the past week or so he's started waking up hungry around 4 am. So I usually make him a bottle and then he'll go back to sleep again until 7ish. And don't get me started on daylight savings. Ugh.
Our favorite games lately are pat a cake, if you're happy and you know it, peek a boo, and especially the wheels on the bus. The other day I started singing the wheels on the bus, except I would sing it with animal noises. "The puppies on the bus go woof woof woof..." Milo LOVED IT. That kid loves animal noises so much. He laughs so hard whenever I meow or quack or bark. I don't know what's so funny about it, but he could seriously laugh at animal noises allllll day.
Milo has gotten a bit more clingy this month. He doesn't cry when I leave him or anything too extreme, but whenever I'm in the room he always crawls over to me and climbs into my lap. He says "mama" and "dada" allllllll the time. For awhile I didn't think he really associated it with us, but I'm almost positive he knows I'm mama now. He uses it whenever he's sad and wants to be picked up, or when he's just woken up from a nap. It basically makes my heart melt every single time.
He continues to be exceptionally sweet. He rarely cries, he is easy to please, and he smiles at just about everyone. I can't believe I've had him for an entire eight months. Time sure flies with these little guys.
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