Saturday, October 11, 2014

Milo | 7 Months

GUYS, I have been such a slacker with this blog thing. Like, really really bad. But the good news is that I have been documenting lots in my brain, and on my phone, and with my camera, so I have lots and lots to say in the coming posts! I just have to somehow find the time to do it. Bleh.

BUT THIS. THIS IS IMPORTANT. Milo turned 7 months on the 5th! He continues to be my favorite little person ever, despite the fact that it was almost impossible to get these pictures this month. At his last appointment, about a week ago, he weighed 19 lbs. 10 oz. and was 27 inches long. He actually decreased quite a bit in size, as far as percentages go, but the pediatrician told me not to worry because a lot of babies start slowly down a bit once they become more mobile. So hopefully he keeps a pretty steady pace, even if it's not quite as consistent as it used to be.

Milo is officially a crawler! He still mostly army crawls everywhere, but as of today actually he's started getting on his hands and knees and taking a few steps (crawls??) forward. He's almost there! Now that he's fully mobile he gets into everything. His favorite is our printer. He loves to sit there and pull every sheet of paper out of it and throw them all around until it's a big crinkled unusable mess. He also loves chewing on everything, but especially power cords which is, ya know, not great. Currently we've got our living room conveniently set up so that I can stick him in the middle and he's surrounded on all sides by things that are relatively safe. I have all his toys and books in a basket there and for the most part he's happy to sit there and play with those for awhile. His favorite toys are his cat keyboard, anything that squeaks, and socks. 

Milo is still sleeping a wonderful 11 hours a night. I put him down between 7:30-8 every night and he usually wakes around 7 or 7:30 in the morning. Honestly, that has been the biggest blessing for me because I don't know how I could manage school and being a mom if he still woke up 4 times a night. 

One huuuuge change this month is that Milo has almost zero interest in breastfeeding. I think a big part of that is because he spends lots of time during the day with babysitters and they feed him formula in a bottle. So I think he's more used to bottles now and gets really impatient that breastfeeding isn't as...fruitful as a bottle. Ha. I still breastfeed him every morning and night, but during the day he's too distracted and active to breastfeed. Usually I give him a bottle and he'll drink it over the course of an hour, taking breaks to play and roll around. 

He also looooooves solids. He started eating finger foods this month. I got some banana puffs and berry yogurt bites and he loves them so much. If he ever gets cranky when we're running errands I just give him a handful of puffs and he's good to go.  We've tried just about all the baby foods that walmart has to offer, and then only ones he really can't stand are the green veggies. Peas, green beans, and sometimes squash. Everything else he gobbles up in mere minutes. He's always interested in what mom and dad are eating and always begging to hold and suck on whatever we have. I'm pretty lenient with stuff like that, as long as I'm close by. He's chewed on pizza crust, crackers, pita chips, popsicles... anything he can get his hands on. Yesterday we found a piece of chalk that had been in his mouth for who knows how long...??? We are stellar parents.

I ALMOST FORGOT! Milo has a TOOTH! After a couple terribly sad and clingy days, we finally saw a tiny little tooth pop through, right in the middle on the bottom. Milo handled it well, all things considered (thank goodness for tylenol) and that little tooth sure is a cutie. 

He is growing up too fast, but I sure love that guy. He gets more and more fun every day. He is so smart and charming and happy. Everyone always comments on how sweet he is. Also, he has the most perfect hair/eye color combination. And those eyebrows?? Ahhhh. I got lucky with this one.

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