Thursday, September 5, 2013

Baby blog?

I've been trying to decide if I should even have a baby blog or just keep updates in my personal journals, but I figure I'm conceited enough to think people care about every detail of my life. So I guess I'm going to try and update this semi-regularly (once a week?) with baby stuff and how I'm feeling and things of that nature. YAY. Maybe bump pics, eventually. :)

SO. Today I am 13 weeks and 4 days pregnant which means I'm finally in the second trimester, which means I'm finally starting to feel (a bit) better. I've been super nauseous this whole pregnancy but never really thrown up. But the day I became 12 weeks pregnant I started throwing up at everything all day every day for about a week. And then the day I became 13 weeks it all magically stopped. (But only after I lost 7 pounds). So now I'm back to the occasional nausea, but I've only thrown up once this week so I like to think that's an improvement.

As far as cravings go, I crave literally everything at very random, different times- but never for more than about a day. There have a been a few things I've craved consistently, like mashed potatoes, soup, and fresh fruits/vegetables. Greasy stuff mostly makes me want to vomit. Beef is too much to handle. Meat in general just really isn't that great. A lot of the stuff that I craved hardcore ended in me throwing it all up and being turned off from it forever, so that's sad. Most of the time I'm really hungry but without an appetite, so I let Andrew pick what we eat and I just force myself to shove it down.

Baby is due March 9, 2014 and we find out if it's a boy or girl on October 2! Be excited, because we are.

I don't really have a bump, but my pants are getting super snug and I look kind of chunky in everything I wear. So that's cute.

We had a doctor's appointment on Tuesday and heard their heartbeat and that was super awesome and adorable. Who knew I could be all cuted out by a heartbeat? :)

THIS is getting boring- I will try to think of more engaging things to say next time. Or you can tell me things to talk about that are engaging. That's cool too.

Oh & here's a picture of the baby as an 8 week blob- just so this isn't all text.

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