Tuesday, July 8, 2014

From The Cutting Room Floor | 1

You know how you guys already think I'm an obsessive overgrammer? (Or maybe you don't think that, but I tend to worry about these things) Well, the truth is you have NO IDEA how much I restrain myself from posting pictures, because when you have a baby as cute as mine... you tend to get a bit snap-happy.

Well thanks to my friend, Laura, I now have a place to post ALL OF THE PICTURES EVER. Mwahahahaha. I hope you're ready. HERE WE GO.

these beautiful family portraits taken in bed on sunday morning, in all of their sleepy eyed glory. i happen to be very partial to sunday mornings.

those cheeks because they are too much for me to handle. 

 milo was extra snuggly after an exceptionally long nap. he's so wiggly now that moments when he's just content to chill quietly on my lap are extra special to me.

watching fireworks in the rain with ponchos and lollipops

naptime in moms bed with that blanket he just can't get enough of

and that's it (for now)! be sure to link up with laura so i can check out your copious amounts of pictures. (you know you have a million...) 

From the Cutting Room Floor


  1. i love this so much! haha seriously all of our pictures are of babies. i keep thinking maybe i should point my iphone elsewhere BUT NOTHING IS AS CUTE.

    1. i know!! it's a serious problem. and one that i'm not gonna fix anytime soon. haha
