What we've learned this month: This month we learned that Milo could not care less about the sea lions or penguins or dolphins at Sea World. In fact, he'd much rather sleep the whole time. We learned that he loves "If You're Happy And You Know It" more than just about any other song in the world. Also, we learned that he loves TV. Which, maybe is a bad thing. I don't know. But there's this baby genius show on Netflix that plays Mozart and Bach and has weird videos of llamas and I am totally not above plopping him in front of the TV for 30 minutes so I can take a shower or eat some food.
The Good: Milo is probably close to 15 pounds now, so he's one healthy chunky little boy. I feel like he's finally getting more regular with his feedings and not just eating around the clock anymore, which is nice for me. He's still sleeping 8-10 hours every night (bless) and we've been able to bump his bedtime up to 9 instead of 10 now. I gotta say, having a baby that loves to sleep makes everything 1000000% easier. I take all the credit for that glorious sleeping gene he got. :) OH AND he started laughing! He's only laughed maybe 3 or 4 times and it's always really random and I can never get him to do it again, but he has absolutely laughed and it's the sweetest thing I've ever heard.
The Struggle: I'm assuming Milo hit his 3 month growth spurt some time in the last week or two. He was totally and completely fine until the second I put him down and then he'd get so fussy and angry. He doesn't really cry most of the time, he just yells and growls. It was a little bit exhausting but we're over it now and he's back to his usual happy self. Also he got sunburnt yesterday on his arm and I can tell it's hurting him a lot which makes me so sad. But we got some baby tylenol and aloe vera and they seem to be helping a lot.
Milo's Milestones: Laughing is probably the biggest thing. He's getting better at tummy time and at controlling his head. I can set him in his Bumbo for 5 minutes or so before he gets tired and wants out. He's discovering his hands and is always sucking on his thumb if his pacifier isn't close by and he will occasionally reach out and grab things.
Looking forward to: More laughs because I don't think anything is more satisfying than making a baby laugh. Rolling over! I'm especially excited for him to be more interested in toys so that he can start to entertain himself.
your baby (and your family as a whole) makes my heart burst. You're so blessed. <3