clearly thrilled to be sitting in his bumbo |
currently milo is...
14 weeks old
16-17 lbs (?)
quickly growing out of 3 mo. clothes
totally content with his fluffy blanket and his frog
starting to reach out and grab things (or at least try to)
staring at his toes, but can't quite figure out what to make of them
dying to roll over
sleeping 10 hours a night, unswaddled, without a pacifier (!!!!!!)
obsessed with the baby genius show on netflix
sporting the cutest bald spot behind his left ear (he always sleeps with his head to the side)
learning all the things he can do with his voice, like squealing and screaming as high and as loud as possible
talking all the time.
the happiest kid on the block as soon as I lay him in my lap to feed him
smiling at his daddy every time he comes home from work
trying so hard to figure out how to put the pacifier in his mouth (currently consists of him grabbing the frog, positioning it over his open mouth, and dropping it in the hopes it will fall in)
This is hands down my favorite stage of life thus far. While I love the sweet snuggly newborn phase, I will be the first to admit that at first it was really difficult for me to feel connected to my baby, or feel that bond that I hear moms talk about all the time. The first couple months are mostly lots of work with very little reward. But now this baby smiles and laughs and is always watching me wherever I go. He starts yelling as soon as I leave the room, he stares at me from a distance with a sweet smile on his face, and kicks his legs and giggles when I go to pick him up from his crib. Me and Milo have a good thing going.
The whole mom thing has also been so breezy lately. Obviously we have our bad days, but for the most part Milo is happy and content and if he does cry I always know what it is he wants. Which is huge because so much of the stress of a newborn is playing the "is he hungry, is he in pain, does he need a diaper change, should we give him a bath, should we put on more clothes???" game. But I've got him figured out now and now we are just the best of friends.
also if you need a laugh, this video should do the trick
oh and can we talk about h&m's baby clothes?? because i could easily buy them all.
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