-i have since found a workout schedule that is working for me right now. it's definitely not as hardcore as i might have done pre-baby but it makes me feel good and productive and maybe i'll get my body in shape again.
-despite being overly self-conscious about my body right now, i am incredibly confident in the majority of other aspects of my life. for example, i am very confident in my capabilities as a mother. since having milo i have never had any moments of self-doubt or worry about if i am doing the right thing for him. i know that i am doing as best as i am able and i am sufficiently providing for his needs, and i feel very good about that. being a mother is the only thing i've ever really had passion for. cello and writing and performing were always things i loved to do, but they could never quite cap the desire to be a mother; and now that i am one i feel more fulfilled in my life then i think i ever have before. i am empowered and happy and confident and i feel like i am doing something worthwhile with my life which i'm not entirely sure is a feeling i have ever felt before.
so yeah. despite me hating my body things are not entirely terrible. not even a little bit. it helps that i have a really cool husband. he's the best.
ps: andrew and i decided we're going to make vlogs over the summer since we can't make any more music videos because our instruments couldn't make the trip with us to san antonio. (oh yeah, we're in san antonio btw) so if you feel so inclined you can watch us be weirdos and whatever on our channel. oh yeah and we also released a 5 song EP a couple weeks ago that we
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